ORGANIZE IT! is an award-winning professional organizing service supporting individuals, businesses, and residential clients to organize their lives, homes, offices, and companies. Dorothy Madden, professional organizer, offers individual consultations and training, hands-on organizing, and on-going coaching.
Dorothy Madden has been invited to be a guest blogger and has authored several educational articles for the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. She has also had numerous articles about ORGANIZE IT! published in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester Business Journal, Messenger Post Newspapers, Business Strategies Magazine, and Rochester Woman Magazine.
Her television and radio appearances include the local TV station affiliates of ABC, CBS, and NBC; YNN (formerly RNEWS); RCTV; and radio stations WARM 101.3 FM with Tony and Dee and ESPN 950 AM with Steve Hausmann and Patrick Coyne on The Property Source.

Area Wins Three Small-Business Awards, by David Tyler, Democrat and Chronicle, 2004
"Rochester-area businesses cleaned up in this year's U.S. Small Business Administration Buffalo District (14 counties in western NY) awards, the best showing since 1990. Dorothy Madden, owner of ORGANIZE IT!, won the Home-Based Business of the Year Award. 'The fact that I'm the CEO, CFO, administrative assistant, custodian and everything else can be overwhelming at times. However, convenience, flexibility, independence and being the sole decision-maker are the rewards that energize me and keep me going,' she
said ... ”
Women Hail Three Stars, by David Tyler, Democrat and Chronicle, 2004
"For the first time in the seven years that the National Association of Women Business Owners' Rochester chapter has staged an annual gala, it decided to honor three women as "Inspiring Businesswomen of the Year." The winners honored are Laurie Broccolo, owner and president of Broccolo Tree and Lawn Care Inc.; Helene Diederich, founder of Pactech, a Rochester packaging company; and Dorothy Madden, owner of ORGANIZE IT!, a business that helps people organize their businesses and their homes ... ”

Time Management Key to Production, Democrat and Chronicle, 2012
"Do you have an endless to-do list, endless interruptions, endless availability? How can you stand up to this daunting Era of Endless to use your time wisely and efficiently? ... " Read the full article Time Management Key to Production.
Get Control of Your Day With 5 Tips, Democrat and Chronicle, 2012
"Time - we do so many things with it. We find, lose, manage, waste, make, save, kill, cherish, pass, juggle and spend time ... " Read the full article Get Control of Your Day With 5 Tips.
Clear Mind of Clutter to be More Productive, Democrat and Chronicle, 2012
"Albert Einstein once said, 'If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign? 'Mental clutter is often more difficult to process than physical clutter ... " Read the full article Clear Mind of Clutter to be More Productive.
Don't Just Wait for Things to Happen, Democrat and Chronicle, 2011
"Live your life by choice, not by chance. Here are some workplace choices you may encounter. Only you can make choices that are right for you ... " Read the full article Don't Just Wait for Things to Happen.
Don't Wait Till Tomorrow to Read This, Democrat and Chronicle, 2011
"Do you know anyone who procrastinates? Do you know anyone who does not procrastinate? Here are some suggestions for overcoming procrastination ... " Read the full article Don't Wait Till Tomorrow to Read This.
Strive for Excellence, not Perfection, Democrat and Chronicle, 2011
"Perfection does not exist in our offices, homes or lives. Striving for perfection is unrealistic, unattainable, self-defeating and slows us down ... " Read the full article Strive for Excellence, not Perfection.
Shred Even the Small Stuff, Guest blogger on Michele Heine's How to Maximize Money for your Stuff, 2011
"Looking for a cost-effective and convenient solution for shredding your papers? Look no further than your local OfficeMax! ... " Read the full blog Shred Even the Small Stuff.
Certain Habits Can Improve Office Efficiency, Democrat and Chronicle, 2011
"Habits happen. Some we just have. Some we don't want to have. Some we would like to have to help us be our best. Here are some habits that can help you become more efficient, effective and productive ... " Read the full article Certain Habits Can Improve Office Efficiency.
Where Oh Where Do I Put It? Guest blogger on Michele Heine's How to Maximize Money for your Stuff, 2011
"The holidays have come and gone and you're left staring at and stumbling over the abundance left behind! Oh my, what to do with it all? ... " Read the full blog Where Oh Where Do I Put It?
Here's Help for the Disorganized Among Us, Democrat and Chronicle, 2010
"An organized office simply makes you feel good. No doubt about it. This visual and emotional sensation is a terrific way to begin the day ... " Read the full article Here's Help for the Disorganized Among Us.
Craft Your Own Paper Management System, Democrat and Chronicle, 2010
"Are you inundated with paper and thinking of going paperless? Is it even possible? Managing piles of paper is a major challenge for nearly everyone in the workplace ... " Read the full article Craft Your Own Paper Management System.
Lower Stress, Be Productive, Get Organized, Democrat and Chronicle, 2010
"Have you seen your desk lately? Are you drowning in paper? If you’re buried in piles of files, stray papers, and endless e-mails, you’re not alone ... " Read the full article Lower Stress, Be Productive, Get Organized.
Undecorating after the Holidays, Guest blogger on Michele Heine's How to Maximize Money for your Stuff, 2010
"Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Well, soon that holly will be crisp and not looking so festive ... " Read the full blog Undecorating after the Holidays.
Take Time to Plan, Prioritize, Organize, Democrat and Chronicle, 2009
"Happy New Year! The leaves are turning and it's not snowing, so why are we celebrating a new year now? Autumn launches a new year ... " Read the full article Take Time to Plan, Prioritize, Organize.
Golden Circle Member Spotlight, NAPO-NY Newsletter, Winter 2008
"My company, ORGANIZE IT!, was formed in 1997 and I joined Golden Circle in 2003 ... " Read the full article Golden Circle Member Spotlight.
Managing Time, Democrat and Chronicle, 1998
“What exactly is time management? Other than a popular term of recent years, it's actually a misnomer. You can't really manage your time. You can, however, manage yourself and what you choose to do with your time ... ”
Get Organized, Democrat and Chronicle, 1998
“Businesses, small and large, have found they must get organized to cope with information overload and demands on their time. Organizing and prioritizing are key to reducing the overload in your office. And since this is National Get Organized Week, there is no better time to start ... ”

Is Consulting for You?, by Deborah Jeanne Sergeant, 55 Plus, 2018
"Dorothy Madden, a 55-plusser, operates Organize It!, a professional organizing service in Rochester. Founding her sole proprietorship grew from her penchant for - you guessed it - organizing ... " Read the full article Is Consulting for You?
Home Organizers Can Tackle Your Mess, by Meredith Low,, 2013
"Dorothy Madden of Penfield is a professional organizer who started her business, OrganizeIt! in 1997. Her forte is helping people organize paper and electronic documents. Madden recently worked with Carol and Mike Hirsh of Brighton, helping them relocate their shared desk ... " Read the article Home Organizers Can Tackle Your Mess.
Time to Get Organized!, by Suzanne Driscoll, Home Business Connection magazine, 2011
"Since 1997, Dorothy Madden of Penfield, NY, has been keeping hundreds of clients in control of their office environments through her professional business, ORGANIZE IT! ... " Read the full article Time to Get Organized!
Young Professionals Scramble to Juggle Work and Family, by Erica Bryant, Democrat and Chronicle Media Group, 2011
"Dorothy Madden, founder of the organizational business Organize It!, has a variety of tips for new parents who want to minimize chaos ... '" Read the full article Young Professionals Scramble to Juggle Work and Family.
How to Kick Clutter in the New Year, by Bethany Young, Messenger Post Newspapers (Brighton, Chili, East Rochester, Fairport, Gates, Greece, Henrietta, Irondequoit, Penfield, Perinton, Pittsford, Webster), 2011
"For many, the resolution to get organized tops many lists of things to do in 2011. The task can be overwhelming, but as it turns out, there may be help just around the corner. Enter local professional organizer, Dorothy Madden of Penfield ... " Read the full article How to Kick Clutter in the New Year.
ORGANIZE IT! Brings Organizing Solutions to Chaotic Lives, by Sinea Pies,, 2010
"Professional organizer Dorothy Madden describes those first important steps that can help you get your office (or home) in proper working order. Dorothy is an expert at helping people in both the business and private sectors to organize their lives and be efficient ... " Read the full article ORGANIZE IT! Brings Organizing Solutions to Chaotic Lives.
Making a List, Checking it Twice, by Catherine Roberts, Democrat and Chronicle, 2008
"Map out the myriad holiday duties to make your December merry, not miserable ... "
She Is an Expert in Getting Organized, by Amy Cavalier, Messenger Post Newspapers (Penfield Post), 2007
"'Emergency chaos' was how part-time grants writer Cheryl Testa would have described her home office and filing system up until a few years ago when she contacted Dorothy Madden of ORGANIZE IT! 'I knew I had everything,' she said, 'but where was it?' ... " Read the full article She Is an Expert in Getting Organized.
A Neat Idea, by Lisa Hutchurson, Democrat and Chronicle, 2007
"My definition of organization is also based on function — that functional organization is beneficial and saves time. Whether you call it mess or organization, if it works for you and you like your space, feel free to call yourself messy or organized, whichever you prefer ... " Read the full article
A Neat Idea.
An Interview with Professional Organizer Dorothy Madden, Founder and Owner of ORGANIZE IT!, Robert Merlo's Clutter to Cash blog, 2007
"Being that January is considered 'National Get Organized Month' by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), I am very pleased to share with you the following interview with professional organizer Dorothy Madden, founder and owner of ORGANIZE IT! located in Rochester, New
York ... " Read the full blog An Interview with Professional Organizer Dorothy Madden, Founder and Owner of ORGANIZE IT! by Robert Merlo.
Bursting at the Beams, by Lisa Hutchurson, Democrat and Chronicle, 2006
“Fall seems a good time for clearing out the clutter. ‘Agencies have seen they can make a profit or use the items to help the community,’ says Dorothy Madden, owner of the Organize It! organizing service in Penfield. ‘If you're not using an item and it's collecting dust, you might as well give it to someone who can use it ... ’" Read the full article Bursting at the Beams.
To Resolve or Not to Resolve, Top Form, Penfield Fitness & Racquet Club Magazine, Winter 2006
"Organization specialist Dorothy Madden of ORGANIZE IT! provides pointers to achieving resolutions and meeting your New Year's procrastination-busters objectives ... "
Avoid Fights Between Heirs, by Lara Becker Liu, Democrat and Chronicle, 2005
"Dorothy Madden can't remember what started the rift. She only knows that her mother's twin brothers, who live a mile apart, do not speak to each other today because of what happened 35 years ago while settling their parents' estate. And she knows that she never wanted "stuff" to come between her and her sisters ... " Read the full article Avoid Fights Between Heirs.
Problem Solved! Entrepreneurs with Specialized Services, by Deborah Mangiamele, Business Strategies, 2005
"'I like to say that we have filing systems, not piling systems,' Madden smiles. In the same breath, she points out that people who do operate well with piling systems can't be faulted. The key is to learn their style and understand what works for them. 'First, I get to know a person's operating style,' explains Madden. 'I learn to think like my clients think. My job is to make recommendations after I listen and learn. And everything we discuss is confidential ... '"
Where Did I Put My Memory?, by Molly Giles, Seniors Today, 2005
"Anything that reduces stress helps memory. Get organized. De-clutter. Throw away junk mail. Use lists ... "
Make Organization a High Priority, by Lisa Hutchurson, Democrat and Chronicle, 2005
"MaryLee Bucci chronicled her progress in organizing her enclosed porch in Webster. Here are some excerpts of the conclusions she came to in the process ... " Read the full article Make Organization a High Priority.
Let the Sunshine In, by Lisa Hutchurson, Democrat and Chronicle, 2005
"With help from a pro, a Webster woman whips her cluttered porch into shape. Dorothy Madden, owner of Organize It! in Penfield, helped MaryLee Bucci organize her enclosed porch last month. Bucci stated, 'You have a professional telling you that you're doing great and talking you through the questions. She's the positive drive behind you and it empowers you ... '" Read the full article Let the Sunshine In.
Reclaiming Order, by Lisa Hutchurson, Democrat and Chronicle, 2005
"Frustrated with her cluttered porch, Webster woman turns to a pro for help. When MaryLee Bucci was in third grade, she lost everything she owned in a fire except her Bible. Help - or was it divine intervention? - brought Dorothy Madden to Bucci's Webster home ... ” Read the full article Reclaiming Order.
Get Organized Now!, by Barbara Melnyk, Rochester Woman Magazine, 2004
"'Everyone is inundated with paper in their offices and homes,' says Madden, 'and if you don't keep up with it every day, it quickly becomes overwhelming. Decisions must be made, recycle, assign homes ... '"
Owners Need to Master the Fine Art of Marketing, by Debbie Waltzer, Rochester Business Journal, 2004
"In 1997 when Dorothy Madden launched Organize It!, a professional organizing service for corporate and residential clients, the former teacher turned to networking to spread word of her business. Specifically, she joined 13 different organizations and associations ... But her most prideful marketing technique involved taking on the big guys ... ”
Turning Chaos into Order, by Lisa Hutchurson, Democrat and Chronicle, 2004
"Here are 20 ways to streamline and simplify, compliments of Dorothy Madden, owner of Organize It! in Rochester. Live with less. 'The less we have, the less we have to take care of,' says Madden. Adopt the principle of 'one thing in, one thing out.' If you buy something new, give away an equivalent item ... ”
Women Find Opportunities in the Service Industry, by Lori Gable, Rochester Business Journal, 2002
"As an organizing consultant, Madden works side by side with clients who want to organize their offices. Clients come from a variety of professions including attorneys, doctors, and homemakers. Often, they are inundated with paperwork and overwhelmed with projects, and are seeking a sense of order and balance in their lives. 'My typical client is one who wants to change because they have reached a point where disorganization has led to ineffectiveness,' Madden says ... ”
The Art of Uncluttering, by Molly Giles, Messenger Post Newspapers (Brighton, Pittsford, Penfield, Fairport, Webster), 2002
“Clutter—it’s a plague of our times. It’s infected our offices, kitchens, closets, garages—worst of all, our minds. Madden goes into homes and offices and asks the questions clients aren't asking (or answering) for themselves. She said it's not only her questions but her presence and non-judgmental support that help them see an uncluttering project through ... ”
Finding Right Network is Crucial for Succeeding, by Debbie Waltzer, Rochester Business Journal, 2001
“Five years ago, Dorothy Madden pondered the idea of launching a home and office organizing service. Her first step? Hopping on the Internet, discovering the National Association of Professional Organizers and contacting NAPO members around the country to assess the viability of running such a
business ... ”
Room for a New Look, Staff and Wire Reports, Democrat and Chronicle, 2000
“Weeding out possessions you don't really need can create fresh living space. Is it worth the amount of space the item consumes? What's the worse that can happen if I toss it? ... ”
Organizing Time, Bulletin Board, Democrat and Chronicle, 1999
“If you haven’t done it already, next week is your chance to get things in
order ... ”
Managing the Mess, by Lisa Gutierrez, Democrat and Chronicle, 1999
“Admit it. You've got mail - only it's scattered all around the house. Old photographs are stuffed in shoe boxes in the closet. You'd be lucky to find the lids for even half of your Tupperware containers. And if that mountain of magazines by the bed ever toppled, it would kill your cat. For some of us, the offspring of packrats, being disorganized is a genetic curse ... ”
Organizers Create Space in Hectic Lives, by Dave Dahl, Messenger Post Newspapers (Brighton, Pittsford, Penfield, Fairport, Webster), 1998
“For those who lack organization skills or just do not have the time to sort their belongings, professional organizers can help put them on the right
path ... ”

Radio Interview, The Property Source with Steve Hausmann and Patrick Coyne, ESPN Radio 950AM, 2011
"Dorothy says 'Live your life by choice, not by chance.' She is a professional organizer here in town, the founder and owner of ORGANIZE IT! What do you do? ... " Listen to the radio segment.
Coping with the Stress of Holidays, NBC, 2008, with Lynette Adams
Get Organized store, Eastview Mall
"Every year many people look forward to the holidays but along with the fun comes a great deal of stress for some. So how can you reduce the stress and get more enjoyment out of the holidays? Professional organizer Dorothy Madden said, 'I think the secret is .... '" Read the full article Coping with the Stress of Holidays.
Back to School, NBC, 2006, with Lynette Adams
Organizing a Home Office, ABC, 2006, with Holly Maynard
How Organized Are You?, RCTV, 2005, with Dilynda Cassoni and Nate Rawls
Home and Office Organizing, RCTV, 2003, with Dilynda Cassoni and Nate Rawls
Organizing for a New Year, NBC, 2002, with Lynette Adams
Organizing Dave McKinley's Office, CBS, 2002, with Melissa Long and
Jerry Fiore
Organizing for a New School Year, NBC, 2001, with Lynette Adams
Organizing Bill Seitzler's Desk, NBC, 2001, with Lynette Adams
Organizing Dave McKinley's Home Office, CBS, 2000, with Dave McKinley
Springtime Organizing, ABC, 2000, with Doug Emblidge and Mary McCombs
Radio Interview with Tony and Dee, WARM 101.3 FM, 1999
Organizing Doug Emblidge's Desk, ABC, 1999, with Doug Emblidge and
Ginny Ryan
Organizing Household Papers, CBS, 1999, with Jerry Fiore
Organizing Your Home and Office, R-NEWS, 1999, with Amy Young